Tuesday, June 29, 2010

After Hitler: Recivilizing Germans, 1945-1995

by Konrad Jarausch

Deals with Germany after the second world war, and the way they developed a post-Nazi framework. Rather more optimistic than Moeller, and emphasizes both the ways Germany evaded the past and the manner by which they transformed because of it. Predominately it’s a study in the forms by which German division, prosperity, memory and reunification proceeded. The social history emerges with different types of engagement, with the extremes of the Nazi past promoting an intensive intergenerational conflict, turn from militarism, diengagement with nationalism and turn to the private sphere as a consumer citizen. In covering this process the book also raises intriguing issues with the reunified Germany and the long-term impact of Americanization, contributing to contextualizing both elements in the saga of modern Europe.

The book is weaker on the GDR, but overall a strong unified account with a lot of substance to say. Well organized, and very nicely written conclusiojn.

Better than: War Stories by Robert Mueller
Worse than: Shattered Pasts by Konrad Jarausch

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